Saturday, August 25, 2007

My Intention is Clear!

This is a Great web site full of wonderful articles and there is always something helpful I get out of this site when I go there....

Steave's site among others inspired my new mantra for every moment of my day:


Now I already new this, but it was the following words that really got my attention and helped me to apply my own personal truth to help me REALLY help myself:

Thoughts can only be formed in the present moment, and thoughts can only exert effects in the present moment.

This Did it! It really snapped me back into focus, and helped me discover why my positive manifesting ideas did'nt seem to be taking effect in my life as easily as I felt they should be.

If you are not living fully present in each moment, if you allow delusions like worry or anger to fill your mind and rob you of precious creative energy, then Intention will not be as effective as it could be!
So I wrote this up:

Right Now I am enjoying the Limitless Abundance of Peace, Joy & Wealth that is inside of me. This Truth about me radiates outwards to all of creation. My Abundance is Everyones Abundance and I reflect this Truth with Everyone and Everything Right Now!
I can Achieve ANYTHING I Dream, because my Dreams are Love, Truth & Light....I am Love, Truth & Light! We are LOVE, TRUTH & LIGHT!!!!

I Invite you to Join with me and cast all fear, worry and anger from your mind....anytime you feel these things just say: I am Love, Truth & delusion can destroy what is REAL!

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